8 Ways To Prevent Tearing During Your Birth

A lot of moms have a fear of tearing during birth, so today I’m excited to share with you my top 8 ways to prevent tearing during childbirth!

I pray that as you put them into practice, you experience a wonderful, tear-free birth with God.

And just know that if you do tear a little bit, it’s also not the end of the world. Sometimes there are factors like baby’s position that are out of our control that can make a tear more likely. But lots of moms who tear don’t even feel it and recover very quickly and easily. So not to fret.

But I’m praying that your baby is in a perfect position and that as you partner with they way God designed your body to labor & birth, that you experience a beautiful, tear-free birth :).

Enjoy! You and Jesus are going to great together!

Much love,


p.s. After making this video, a midwife also shared with me that she’s never seen a women tear who was pushing in the hands-knees position. So I’m adding that here to my list!

p.p.s. If you want more advice like this for a beautiful birth with God, check out my full online Kingdom Childbirth Class!


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