Mommy Baby Soaking Album (for download)


An album to help you stay connected to God’s heart during the crazy ups and downs of the postpartum time. Let these life-giving Scriptures wash over you and refresh you as you nurse, change diapers, and fall sleep at night. A must-have for every new mama!




Understanding your Fertility Class: Natural Prevention & Conception

Learn how to track your fertility during the postpartum time so that you don’t get caught with a surprise pregnancy. Breastfeeding is not reliable birth-control and does not always prevent your cycle from returning. In this class, I empower you to know when you are becoming fertile again, even before you get your first period back!





Help! How do I connect with God during this crazy postpartum time?



My favorite postpartum books to help you with nursing and mommy-hood:

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

 The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

A great book to help you navigate all the joys, trials, complications, and questions of breastfeeding!


Spirit-Led Parenting: From Fear to Freedom in Baby’s First Year

 Spirit-Led Parenting: From Fear to Freedom in Baby's First Year
A freeing book that empowers you to listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you learn to parent your child that first year. There so many parenting books and theories out there, but the Holy Spirit knows your child intimately and will guide you to the best decisions for YOUR baby.


The Mission of Motherhood

Such a great book to remind you that motherhood is a holy mission given to you by God and that all of it matters deeply – cleaning up the messes day in and day out, getting up throughout the night, changing diapers, etc. It matters and its beautiful, eternal work.