I can’t believe today has finally arrived! A day that I dreamed about for years, but wasn’t sure would actually happen. But I should have known that God cares more about our dreams than we do and that nothing is impossible with Him.

And so here we are. Launching an online Kingdom Childbirth Class! Launching the class that I longed to take when I was pregnant with my first son – a class that prepares couples both naturally and spiritually for birth. A class that breaks off fear and lies and empowers women to experience the gift that God meant childbirth to be.

[nimbus_pullquote_right]”Everything in me knew that this entire thing was a love gift from God.”[/nimbus_pullquote_right]It all started 3 years ago when we found out we were pregnant with our first son. We were overjoyed! We felt like we’d been given the greatest gift in the whole world. Everything in me knew that this entire thing was a love gift from God – conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. We were attending ministry school at the time and were getting rocked by the goodness of God’s heart and His extravagant love. And I knew that his unchanging goodness and love applied to my pregnancy and childbirth just like it did to every other area of life. I knew that childbirth was a crazy love gift from Him that He wanted me to enjoy. I knew that I was redeemed from the curse by Jesus (Galatians 3:13). I knew that there was no way my extravagant & loving Father wanted me to suffer in any of the pregnancy or birth.  No, His heart was to bless me in all of it!


So when it came time to look for a birth class, I wanted to find one that approached the topic of labor & birth from the goodness of God’s heart and HIS perspective. I didn’t want a class that told me I was doomed for intense pain and suffering if that’s not what God said. And so I searched and searched. But I couldn’t find one.

We ended up taking a traditional birth class (that I supplemented with lots of my own preparation –like scriptures to soak in and birth declarations). But my heart longed for more and a dream was birthed in my heart. A dream to create the class I longed for. A class that would equip women to birth their babies in the joy and presence of God.  I didn’t know if it would actually happen, but I began to dream.

And here I am today – in awe that God has done it! A lot has happened in the last 3 years since that dream began – I’ve birthed 2 children, become a birth doula and childbirth educator, and founded my business “A Heavenly Welcome.”  I’ve been teaching my Kingdom Birth Class here in Redding for the past year, and now the week has come when we release it to the world! So that any mom around the globe who wants to prepare for her birth with a Kingdom perspective, CAN!

If that’s you, and you desire to birth your baby in God’s joy and presence, experiencing all the gifts He has for you in it, you can get started by watching the video series below. In celebration of this launch, I’m offering a free video series of my top 3 tips for an amazing birth.  So enjoy!

Honored, thankful and excited to be on this journey with you,


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