Libby: Beautiful VBAC after Three C-Sections

During her fourth pregnancy, the Lord told Libby He had something different for her in this birth. A VBAC after three C-sections! Though she didn’t know many stories of women doing this, she trusted the Lord’s leading and found a doctor willing to assist her with a VBAC.

Throughout her pregnancy, God helped her overcome her fears and met her each step of the way. He then gave her a surprising and beautiful birth story and VBAC! Though it didn’t go exactly how she had planned it, the Lord had something even better in store for her and touched many lives through their story. As she shares in this episode, “He had every detail worked out even before the foundation of the world.” I pray you are so encouraged by Libby’s fun and beautiful story!

You can connect with Libby on Instagram at libbyann822

And here are the resources we talked about:– a great place to find info on VBAC after multiple c sections

Facebook support groups – especially Journey to VBAC.

Brave, Beautiful Birth – A great book on trusting God through VBAC

Jamie Schrock’s Podcast episode of her VBAC with God after 3 C-sections

Break Free From Worry – my online class to help you get free from fears and anxieties that you just can’t seem to break.

How We Trained Our Baby to Sleep Through the Night – my new mp3 recording where I share step by step details of how we trained our 4-month-old to sleep through the night.

Much love,


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