How to Stop Worrying About Your Birth (Hint: It’s a really fun game to play!)

There’s no doubt about it – fear is your worst enemy in pregnancy and birth. For fear steals the joy of this incredible gift, increases pain, can cause complications, and keeps you from experiencing God’s overflowing love and peace throughout this beautiful journey. It ruins something that was meant to be amazing.

So today let’s talk about how to tackle it. And how to start walking in the opposite! My favorite way to combat fear during pregnancy is to play a little game called “Worrying with God.”  I learned this game from some of my favorite speakers, Steve & Wendy Backlund, and it’s one of my favorite tools to give to pregnant moms.

Here’s how you play…

Usually when we’re worrying about something, we’re imagining what would happen in a situation if God doesn’t show up. Right? Think about some of your fears…“What if I can’t handle the pain?” “What if there are complications?” “What if I’m not a good mom?” “What if we can’t afford the midwife we want?”

But it’s all quite silly. First of all, worrying about it doesn’t change the outcome at all. And second of all, of course God’s going to show up for you! You are His precious daughter and He promises to withhold no good thing from you (Psalm 84:11). He is SO FOR YOU! And He loves intervening on your behalf.

So, instead of worrying, “What if God doesn’t show up?” We worry, “What if God shows up in a huge way? What are we going to do then?” We’re still imagining the future and it may not change the outcome, but at least we’re having fun doing it, and getting in a really healthy place emotionally, mentally, and & physically while we do it.

For example:

“What if God gives me a pain free labor and I enjoy it so much that I want to birth 10 more children? Will my husband understand? Uh-oh, I’m worried.

“What if there are complications and God does so many supernatural miracles to fix them that the whole hospital staff is amazed and wants to be saved? Who will help disciple all of them? I’m worried.

“What if the Holy Spirit gives me so much joy in being a mom that my husband gets jealous of this Holy Spirit joy-ride I’m on every day and wants to quit his job so he can join the fun? How will we work that out? I’m worried.

“What if so much money comes in this month that we not only can hire the midwife we want, but we can purchase as many pregnancy massages as I want. How many massages should I get? I’m worried.

Fun game huh? Don’t you feel better already just reading through these latter “worries”? I bet you’re smiling by now. I love this game! And I love the beautiful effect it has on your mental, physical, and emotional state – all of which are so important during pregnancy and birth.

So I challenge you to play the game this week. Think of your top fears or concerns and worry about them in a new light. Be goofy and silly and worry what would happen if God showed up in some crazy, wonderful way. Because who knows, He just might! It’s one of His specialties  ☺.

 For more tools to help you enter your birth  free from fear and knowing how to FULLY ENJOY it with Jesus, check out my Online Kingdom Birth Class! This class is radically transforming birth stories around the world!

**** UPDATE: I’ve included a special bonus for you … a Free PDF Download of the 12 Ways to Worry with God About Your Birth. Click the button below to get it! ****

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