The Best Pregnancy and Postpartum Mattress!

Halfway through my last pregnancy, we needed to purchase a bed mattress. We had been using a friend’s bed and it was time to give it back and buy our own.

I had been having a lot of lower back and hip pain and wanted a mattress that would support my body well as I slept and minimized those aches and pains. I also wanted a non-toxic mattress that wouldn’t off gas any harmful toxins for me and baby.

After a lot of research, we decided to buy an Intellibed and we are so glad that we did! Here are just a few of the things I love about our mattress:

  1. It eliminated my nighttime hip pain during pregnancy! It’s hard to be able to only sleep on your side during the second half of your pregnancy and I used to wake up with bruised feeling hips each morning from sleeping on them all night. After switching to an Intellibed, I never woke up with hip pain again!
  2. It was created to keep your body and spine in alignment while you sleep, which saved me from many chiropractic visits to keep me in alignment. I still went to the Chiropractor some throughout the pregnancy, but far less after switching to this mattress.
  3. The bed is created with a non-toxic gel matrix that doesn’t emit any toxic gasses and is hypo-allergenic. This was extremely important to me because I knew that many mattresses off-gas and pose a threat to baby and have been linked to SIDS. New Zealand used to have the highest SIDS rate in the world, but after launncing a nationwide mattress wrapping campaign to eliminate all chemicals and off-gasses from crib mattresses, their SIDS rate dropped to almost zero.
  4. The bed adapts to be firm where you need it and soft where you want it so it works for both my husband and I even though we have different needs and preferences in mattress firmness. We both LOVE this mattress!

In summary, I was so thankful to find a mattress that eliminated pregnancy aches and pains, was safe for baby and I, and helped both my husband and I to sleep better.

If you are interested in checking them out, you can use coupon code Blaser to get 10% off as well as free shipping, free mattress protector, and free sheets.

Also, if you are looking for more help to get better sleep for you and baby, check out my album “How We Trained Our Baby to Sleep Through the Night.”

Here’s to better sleep for you and baby!



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