Happy Good Friday (and what it means for your birth!)

As I sat at a coffee shop this morning chatting with God about birth (one of my favorite topics to talk with Him about), Good Friday took on a whole new significance for me and I was so touched by His words.

So as I share with you our conversation, I pray it radically impacts your day as well!

Lord, talk to me about the Garden of Eden and all that you created childbearing to be. What were you thinking? What was your intention?

Well, lets start with conception. It was my perfect design for new life to be created through love, intimacy, vulnerability, partnership, unity, and oneness between a husband and wife. This was SO GOOD!

And then I created that new life to come forth from the same place of the woman’s body: the place of love, vulnerability, intimacy, and beauty. Birth was another beautiful act of love, intimacy, partnership, vulnerability, and oneness. And my design for it was so perfect. SO GOOD!

What did you design birth to be like?

Hard work. Euphoric. Glorious. Filled with wonder. Holy. Peaceful. And a beautiful partnership between all of us. It was a gift and her wonderful God-given work.

There was no morning sickness or complications. Pregnancy was a glorious and beautiful blessing to her body. She had no stress. Her hormones were in perfect order. Pregnancy was a joyful, wonder-filled work.

And so was birth. It took focus, peace, work and partnership with Me and her baby, but it was meant to be a euphoric experience. There might be some discomfort, but it was a holy day. It was more a spiritual event than a physical one. The focus was on welcoming a new member to their family. It was a day to treasure, reflect on, and remember the rest of her life.

Birth was a fulfilling, empowering event that made her feel fully alive, satisfied, and content in her work and the holy assignment of bringing forth life that I gave her to do.

That’s so beautiful Jesus. Can it still be like that?

Yes Beloved.

We’re not doomed to it being different now? Does it have to be different now because of the curse and the fall?

No Beloved, you’re not doomed. Because of the cross, you’re not doomed to anything anymore. Anything is possible now! I died for full restoration of my original intent. I really did take on all pain and sickness in my body and that includes those related to childbirth. There’s no forever consequence or punishment related to childbirth. Many women have tapped into this and experienced childbirth without pain, anxiety, sickness, and toil. It’s available for all of you now.

Is there anything in your heart that still wants us women to experience the consequences of the fall in childbearing?

NO – I want you totally free! Nothing in my heart wants you to experience any consequence of sin anymore. That’s why I took all the consequences on my own body.

Beloved, that’s what grace is. That’s what I came for. GRACE. There is grace in childbearing.

Is there anything irreversible about the consequences of the fall? Like even if you want to reverse it, you can’t? Like it’s a law in the spiritual or natural realm?

No Beloved, everything is reversible because of the cross. I reversed everything at the cross. I fulfilled the consequences of sin. I took their fulfillment on my body. God didn’t hold a single consequence back. Not even death. I took it all to reverse these for you. So that you could have life, wholeness, peace, joy, and health instead.  It is finished. This truly is Good Friday. The consequences are finished for all who believe and receive.

How do we walk in it now Jesus? How do we fully receive everything you died for? So many seem to believe but still get sick. Or still have pain and toil in childbearing. Why? How do we access what you died for?

Open your heart up to receive this gift. Let go of control. There’s no striving to access this free gift. To receive the fullness of all that GRACE means for you. It’s a gift to receive; not to work for. There’s no formula. And there will always be mystery. I can’t fully explain to you right now why it doesn’t always happen. But one day you will know in full and it will all be clear. Be ok living in the mystery. There’s more going on than you know.

But become convinced of what I died for. Of what Grace means in your own life. Of what my original intent was. Of what I died to reverse. And live and talk and operate out of that reality. Out of that truth. Out of that place in my heart. And as you abide in me and I abide in you, I will teach you to access all of it. I will make it your reality.

But this can’t be done outside of relationship with me. Outside of intimacy. Outside of a daily abiding with me. That’s why there’s no formula. Because a formula bypasses relationship. And all life springs from relationship. Anything separate from relationship with me is dead. You can do nothing apart from me – nothing that will last that has true life in it.

So I’m asking you to let go of your need for concrete answers and formulas and to throw yourself with reckless abandon into your abiding relationship with me. Into intimacy. Into my heart. Live from my heart – not formulas. Become so convinced of my heart for you in each situation.

Walk through your pregnancy convinced of my heart for you. Enter your labor and each moment of it convinced of my heart for you. Enter this day convinced that my heart is for your health, joy, wholeness, peace, fullness, and abundant LIFE!

It’s GOOD Friday today, Beloved! Receive the wonder and joy of this day with all your heart! It is finished!

Thank you Jesus! I celebrate your goodness and grace and beautiful heart today. You are amazing!

Praying the goodness of Good Friday touches your heart in a new place today and that you too throw yourself with reckless abandon into that life-giving place of abiding with Him each minute of the day.

Celebrating the wonder of this day with you,
(And if you want help connecting with His beautiful heart for your birth and learning how to partner with his perfect design in your labor, join us in my online Kingdom Childbirth Class! You’ll come out of the class confident of His heart and prepared for a beautiful birth with Him.) 


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