Don’t Miss Out On Your Gift!

Dear Beautiful Mama,

Have you ever noticed that when we know something is a gift, we enjoy it more?
For example…

– What if someone told you that sex is one of your duties as a wife verses an extravagant love gift from God?

Would the same act of sex feel different with each of those mindsets?
– Or how about washing the family car verses washing the NEW car you got for your birthday?

A little more fun to wash the birthday gift?
– Or what about taking care of a friend’s dog verses taking care of a dog you just got for Christmas?
Even though you’d have the exact same responsibilities, doesn’t it feel more fun and enjoyable to take care of your gift?
It makes such a difference when we know something is a GIFT. We intrinsically know that gifts are good – things given for our pleasure, enjoyment and benefit.  And that understanding causes us to enjoy them at a deeper level!
So today I want to remind you (and myself) that OUR KIDS are GIFTS!
Extravagant, perfect gifts from our loving Dad.
He puts so much thought into each of these precious love gifts and He gets giddy when the time draws near to give them to us. I actually saw in a vision how excited Heaven gets when a women goes into labor and is about to see her GIFT for the first time. It’s amazing!
Psalm  127:3 says, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” – NASB
Your children are a GIFT and a REWARD!
(That word “reward” is the same word used in Genesis 15:1 when God tells Abram “I am your shield, your very great “reward.”) It’s definitely a GOOD THING!
And yet it’s easy to start seeing our kids as something other than a gift and reward. To see them as an inconvenience, a burden, a financial drain, a schedule disruptor, a freedom stealer, and the reason I’m exhausted, sick, or sleep deprived.
But if we allow ourselves to start seeing them as these things, we will miss out on the incredible GIFT God intended them to be in our lives.

…Like I almost did today.
Today I caught myself viewing my 11-month-old as an inconvenience.  He was extremely fussy and just wanted to be held all day – which was keeping me from being able to accomplish what I had wanted to do today.
But as God reminded me of the scripture above and that Luke is a GIFT for me to enjoy, everything changed. Suddenly I saw him through new eyes and was taken aback again by how stinkin cute he is and how crazy blessed I am to get HIM for a son.
I got down on the floor and started playing and laughing with him and suddenly instead of feeling frustrated, I was filled with joy, contentment, and gratefulness for this precious gift. Instead of feeling behind, I felt like the most blessed mom on the planet.

Kierra & Luke
So whether you’re experiencing the ups and downs of pregnancy today, or the ups and downs of a newborn or toddler, I’m here to remind you that this whole thing is a GIFT! That baby is one of the most extravagant love gifts you will ever receive. So remember to ENJOY your gift!
Today, why don’t you take 5 minutes to pause from your normal routine and reflect on the amazing gift you’ve been given. Savor & enjoy your gift and thank God for this incredible blessing in your life. The dishes can wait and so can your inbox. Enjoying this gift is what life and motherhood is really about!

Children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3
You are blessed Mama!
Much Love,
p.s. I’m creating some new resources for you that I’ll be telling you about soon. I want to get your feedback as I create them so they are exactly what you would want. So stay tuned!

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