Throughout her second pregnancy, the Lord led Camaiya through a process of casting out fear, building her faith for the birth, and writing out her specific desires and prayers for the birth. Her preparation with the Lord paid off in the beautiful, empowering birth story that followed. She actually led worship at her church through hardRead More →

During her 3rd pregnancy, the Lord told Jessie “I want to teach you to praise a baby into the world.” You will love hearing about the journey that followed and how He led her through this birth! And then during her 4th pregnancy, the Lord asked her “Will you trust me for a hospital birthRead More →

The words God gave Jessie as she prepared for each of her four births were so unique and beautiful. As she pressed in to what He was speaking to her and followed His lead during each labor, she experienced His presence and glory in amazing ways in each birth. During her first birth, she really learned to listenRead More →

Even though the doctors told Elisa she would need to be induced at 36 weeks due to a complication that arose, she entered her birth with peace and excitement knowing that God was still going to show up in it. And He didn’t disappoint her. He blessed her with a presence-filled, supernaturally fast induction thatRead More →