11| Megan: A Supernatural Breech Birth

Megan spent a lot of time during her pregnancy renewing her mind, letting go of fear, and learning to relax in her secret place with Jesus. All of her preparation paid off in her amazing birth as she labored joyfully and peacefully at home and was able to remain in God’s peace even as they encountered a surprise at the end – the baby had turned breech!

Not only will you love this birth story, but you’ll come away with some great tools to help you remain in God’s peace during your own birth and journey of motherhood through all the ups and downs that come your way!

You can connect with Megan on her blog and website at renewingallthings.com

Here are some of the resources she recommends and that we talked about on the show:

Supernatural Childbirth – a book filled with testimonies reminding us what is possible during birth with God!

Childbirth in the Glory – an album full of birth scriptures, prayers, and declarations for a peaceful birth in God’s glory.

Kingdom Childbirth Class – my birth class that breaks fear, renews your mind, and prepares you naturally and spiritually for a beautiful birth with God!

Praying your heart is deeply encouraged today,


p.s. Here is the link to my new online Understanding Your Fertility Class that I mentioned at the beginning of the show!

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