06| Learning to Praise a Baby Into The World

During her 3rd pregnancy, the Lord told Jessie “I want to teach you to praise a baby into the world.” You will love hearing about the journey that followed and how He led her through this birth!

And then during her 4th pregnancy, the Lord asked her “Will you trust me for a hospital birth this time? That my glory can show up just as strong at the hospital as I did at your home births?” And what an amazing birth it turned out to be – so full of His presence and light as she followed His lead and even prophesied over the nurses and attendants in between contractions.

You will LOVE these birth stories!

So instead of watching a show one evening this week, make a cup of tea and a bag of popcorn and cuddle up to listen and let the Lord minister to your heart – I promise your spirit will be encouraged and you’ll fall asleep smiling :).

Are you ready for your birth?
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